
MizzouNYC is a chapter of the Missouri Alumni Association. We are a membership organization supporting the efforts of Mizzou through activities, watch parties, volunteer efforts, networking events and annual dues. Becoming a member is a great way to invest in the future of Mizzou while having a great time and meeting new people in the process. Interested in becoming a member? Feel free to sign up today (Use the code CNY so our chapter gets credit). Like our Facebook page and subscribe to our mailing list.

Be a part of the tiger community in NYC. We’d love to have you!



Nathalia Mello


Public Relations '14

Fabriana Watts

Past President

Textile & Apparel Management - Marketing and Merchandising '14

Anders Melin

Past President

Finance '12

Brian Kirn


Brian currently works on the development team at The LGBT Center while pursuing performing gigs across the city. At Mizzou, he was involved with Pi Kappa Phi, R.A.M.S., A&S Student Council, and ODK, among other pursuits.

Theatre / Spanish / Psychology '11

Taryn Wood-Norris

Treasurer and Past President

BJ Magazine Journalism '08
MA Magazine Design '10
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