Help a Tiger thrive in the concrete jungle! The New York Alumni Chapter is seeking to establish a permanently endowed fund at MU.
Our Mission
New York City holds unique career opportunities for many Mizzou students, especially in the fields of business, fashion, entertainment, and journalism. As Tigers who also love NYC, we want to put those opportunities within reach by endowing a fund that provides stipends to Mizzou Students and Alumni who intern in New York City.
How You Can Help
We ask for donations — of any amount — to help us reach our initial goal of $25,000 in endowed funds. We are committed to securing this amount by 2018. Visit or for more information and to donate online, or you can complete the attached form and give it to a MizzouNYC board member.
Spread the Word
Share the news of this newly founded initiative with friends, family and fellow Mizzou Tigers.